In Karaokulta Studio we seek to transcend creating art in the form of Apps and Videogames that the world loves. In our company we currently have different online commerce projects and creation of applications with international clients. With the commitment to grow the industry and support students from related careers to generate experience, we have opened the call for professional internships.
The requirements for professional internships are:
1. Be a student of Mexican nationality of any of the universities linked to our professional internship program.
2. Have verifiable experience in one of the applicable areas (Programming, 2D Art, Animation, Game Design) in personal, school or professional projects.
3. To have the interest to know the video game development pipeline and to generate professional experience in projects of high quality demand.
4. Not perform professional internships at the same time or be in an employment relationship with another institution.
5. Have the ability to dedicate 30 hours a week to professional internships as a minimum, for a minimum period of 4 months.
6. Have an adequate computer equipment to carry out their activities.
7. Commitment to 100% of completing the internship period and with the development of assigned tasks.
8. Sign the confidentiality contract.
Benefits for foreign internships
1. Do not pay rent, we will welcome you in depa karaokulta or kobnb.karaokulta.com
2. You have paid the services (water, electricity, internet of 200 mbps)
3. You would be in a privileged area (Providencia, it is one of the most beautiful areas to live in GDL)
4. More than 500 video games and consoles at your disposal in the studio game room with a 52-60 inch TV so that the chosen Karaokulta Residents can use them.
5. Netflix, free and other studio accounts.
6. Access to all games and equipment of the studio VR Lobby.
7. Cleaning and bathroom supplies covered (toilet paper, cleaning place).
8. Recurrent cleaning of the studio and depa KO.
Obligations of interships if elected
1. Maintain the extreme cleanliness of the place and your things. Belongings and studio things.
2. Assume responsibility for the visits and care of the studio / Depa KO.
3. Open the door if necessary or be aware that everything is secured, with alarm, closed.
Practice Specifications
• For universities that are not linked to the program, send mail to reclutamiento@karaokulta.com to process the link.
• For residents in the city of Guadalajara and its surroundings, professional internships may be held within our offices.
• Each practitioner is assigned a mentor who evaluates their performance, assign tasks and ensure that they have the necessary tools to carry out the activities.
• The assignment of projects will be according to the skills that the interested party demonstrates.
• Schedule and Procedure.
• The dates of reception for candidates for internships are throughout the year.
• It is necessary to send an email to the address reclutamiento@karaokulta.com of the area to which you wish to apply exclusively.
• Professional internship periods are for a minimum of 4 months. Those interested should send a proposal of start date and termination of their practices, including the hours in which they can do it.
• The selected people will be contacted personally to conduct a face-to-face interview or Skype, as the case may be.
Send your portfolio only with material from your area of interest and be sure to show material related to the development of video games.
In Karaokulta Studio we seek to transcend creating art in the form of Apps and Videogames that the world loves. In our company we currently have different online commerce projects and creation of applications with international clients. With the commitment to grow the industry and support students from related careers to generate experience, we have opened the call for professional internships.
The requirements for professional internships are:
1. Be a student of Mexican nationality of any of the universities linked to our professional internship program.
2. Have verifiable experience in one of the applicable areas (Programming, 2D Art, Animation, Game Design) in personal, school or professional projects.
3. To have the interest to know the video game development pipeline and to generate professional experience in projects of high quality demand.
4. Not perform professional internships at the same time or be in an employment relationship with another institution.
5. Have the ability to dedicate 30 hours a week to professional internships as a minimum, for a minimum period of 4 months.
6. Have an adequate computer equipment to carry out their activities.
7. Commitment to 100% of completing the internship period and with the development of assigned tasks.
8. Sign the confidentiality contract.
Benefits for interns from abroad or from out of GDL
1. Do not pay rent, we will welcome you in karaokulta barracks or kobnb.karaokulta.com if there's any space left.
2. The studio pays the services (water, electricity, internet of 200 mbps)
3. You would be in a privileged area (Providencia, it is one of the most beautiful areas to live in GDL)
4. More than 500 video games and lots of consoles at your disposal in the studio game room, with a 52 & a 60 inch TV so that the chosen Karaokulta Residents can use them.
5. Netflix, free and other studio accounts for entertainment & gaming.
6. Access to all games and equipment of the studio VR Lobby.
7. Cleaning and bathroom supplies covered (toilet paper, cleaning the place).
8. Recurrent cleaning of the studio and KO barracks.
Obligations of interns, if elected
1. Maintain extreme cleanliness of the place and your things.
2. Assume responsibility for the visitors you might have and care of the studio / KO Barracks.
3. Open the door if necessary & being aware that everything is secured, with alarm, closed if you are leaving.
• For universities that are not linked to the program, send mail to reclutamiento@karaokulta.com to process the agreement.
• For residents in the city of Guadalajara and its surroundings, professional internships may be held within our offices.
• Each practitioner is assigned a mentor who evaluates their performance, assign tasks and ensure that they have the necessary tools to carry out the activities.
• The assignment of projects will be according to the skills that the interested party demonstrates.
• Schedule and Procedure.
• The dates of reception for candidates for internships are throughout the year.
• It is necessary to send an email to the address reclutamiento@karaokulta.com of the area to which you wish to apply exclusively.
• Professional internship periods are for a minimum of 4 months. Those interested should send a proposal of start date and termination of their practices, including the hours in which they can do it.
• The selected people will be contacted personally to conduct a face-to-face interview or Skype, as the case may be.
Send your portfolio only with material from your area of interest and be sure to show material related to the development of video games.
• Show us the most complex thing you have developed in Unity or Buildbox, Android Studio, Objetive-C.
• If you have indie games published in app store or Google Play, send us the link.
• Tell us if you worked alone or as a team.
2D Art
• Show us your portfolio of conceptual art focused on the different styles you can do.
• Add a textures section to your portfolio.
• Game design.
• Do you have design documents? Show us what you have worked for.